The Selection and How to Employ Hardwood Battens to Properties
The exterior design trends of hardwood battens have swiftly taken homeowners into a more primal and organic era. Because of the surge in popularity of rustic design features such as exposed wood and natural surfaces, hardwood timber battens feature walls have taken the interior design world by storm in recent years.
The gorgeous addition of architecture timber makes a room seem more inviting and helps soften hardscapes in areas where plants or other forms of greenery would be unable to do it on their own. When contrasted with solid hues that are distinct from the natural timber tone, the arresting vertical pattern results in the creation of a contemporary and geometric focal point. This impact is maximised when the two elements are used together.
How to Choose Hardwood Battens
It is an important undertaking to choose the fitting hardwood timber battens for any space, may it be commercial or residential.
To make sure that you choose the best one among the many selections of timber battens on the market, here are some considerations to take note of:
The Selection of a Tree
Even while the wide variety of grain and stain possibilities is fantastic for letting one’s imagination run wild, it is possible that making a decision might be challenging at times. When choosing hardwood battens, you should take into consideration the following factors:
- In the event that the accent wall is needed to have structural integrity or strength,
- In the event that the wall is going to be subjected to the elements,
- The overarching style of your home’s design.
- The colours of the trees and bushes that sprang out of nowhere in your yard.
- How the wood will react when stained with the colour that you’ve selected
- The marks left by the passage of time on the wood
Utilising Battens on the Right Space
It is more practical to utilise wood battens for accent walls rather than for completely enclosing a home due to the high cost of this material. A fence made of wood could seem out of place next to such an eye-catching architectural feature, and a fence made of metal would completely diminish the image.
As established before, concrete or rendered walls provide the perfect background against which wood batten feature walls may truly stand out and be seen. The modular wall is seen entering from the left side of the stage.
Minding the Cost
In addition to its undeniable attractiveness, the modular wall costs just one-half as much as brick, hence lowering the entire cost of your project to construct a feature and boundary wall. The timeless appearance of hardwood battens makes it adaptable enough to work with any kind of decorating plan or time period. The rendered surface will give a contemporary and harmonic barrier for your outdoor space, while the vertical battens will provide an air of timelessness to the structure.
The use of horizontal and vertical wood battens was the inspiration for the design of your house. Combining it with a contemporary modular boundary wall will give it a spectacular finishing touch.
How and Why Employ Hardwood Battens
The building of houses and other types of construction requires the use of a wide variety of resources. A tree’s trunk is the most important part of the tree, and a house’s roof is the most important part of the structure. The roof is comprised of a number of different parts that need to be assembled.
For instance, wooden battens are used to support the roof of the building. There is a diverse selection of them accessible, but often the ones that are of higher quality are those that are fashioned from superior wood. Camphor, iron, and Merbau are just a few of the types of woods that are examples. It would be preferable to choose a species of wood that already has a natural resistance to the effects of water damage. In order to preserve the integrity of the battens and prevent the damage that would otherwise be caused by water seepage.
The framework of the roof consists of trusses, ridges, goring, rafters, battens, and roofing materials in addition to battens. The truss is the fundamental component that contributes to the construction of a building. It is responsible for supporting the weight of the roof and is attached to the structure itself.
The majority of the time, battens are constructed from wood; however, they may also be created from other materials, such as steel or plastic. The most common uses for spacers are to either join a surface to a secondary structure or to elevate a surface by utilising it in conjunction with the spacers.
Hardwood battens may be used for a variety of purposes all throughout the home. Because they are made of timber, which has a long lifespan, you may place them either inside or outdoors without worrying about their condition. Cladding, screening, or even use on the ceiling are all potential applications for these materials.
Although different kinds of materials are available for properties, hardwood battens are by far the most prevalent kind used in the building of commercial and residential structures. On the other hand, timber battening is just a series of parallel wood strips that are separated by a short gap in between each strip. Select the fitting architectural timber for any property you have to achieve the design and durability you desire.