September 16, 2024


Amazing design, nonpareil

Four things you can do to update your home for free


4 Things You Can Do to Fall Back in Love with Your Home | lark & linen

Have you ever wondered how you can update your home for free? I mean, I’m of the firm belief that our homes are meant to be loved. And while investing in your home is never a bad idea, I completely understand that a large scale renovation or a living room re-do isn’t always in the cards. But that doesn’t mean that your home shouldn’t bring you joy. So if you’re feeling like your space needs a little more life, but you aren’t interested in dipping into your savings account, here are four things you can do today to help you fall back in love with your home. For free. 


4 Things You Can Do to Fall Back in Love with Your Home

[break]SHOP YOUR HOME:[break]

Shopping my home is is something I do often, and it’s amazing how it instantly makes a room feel brand new. It’s easy to fall into the habit of not noticing the beautiful things that already surround us, or feeling tired of seeing the same piece in the same spot year after year. Rotating pillows or moving art from room to room, for example, is a great way to instantly breathe new life into both the space and the item. It’s an activity that allows you to update your home for free, and I highly recommend trying it. 

4 Things You Can Do to Fall Back in Love with Your Home


I’ve definitely suggested regularly purging our belongings a number of times, but I will never not bring it up any chance I get, that’s how profoundly I believe in it. Take it from a former sentimental hoarder. Selling, donating, or tossing items that no longer light you up is the absolute quickest way to make a space (and you, for that matter) feel like a million bucks. You can read more about why this works in this post here. 

4 Things You Can Do to Fall Back in Love with Your Home


Similarly, organizing and taking care of the pieces that you do love – ensuring that every last item has a happy home, feels equally amazing. 

4 Things You Can Do to Fall Back in Love with Your Home


And lastly, re-arranging your existing furniture is a great way to update your home for free, with arguably the most impact. Instead of starting from scratch, challenge yourself to see if certain pieces can meet your needs elsewhere in the room or in your home. It’s something I used to do tirelessly as a child, and I loved how my bedroom regularly felt brand new with nothing but a little elbow grease (I also used to rotate our dining room and living room furniture, just for fun. Yes, my mother was a saint and I’m forever grateful for her allowing me the freedom to execute all my childhood design ideas). 



[break]1: Marie Flanigan Interiors | 2: Ashley Montgomery Design | 3: Marie Flanigan Interiors | 4: Marie Flanigan Interiors | 5: Shoppe Amber Interiors


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