May 3, 2024


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Planning Permission: 8 Things You Need To Know

Architect drawingYou may need to seek planning permission if you are looking to conduct some home remodelling projects. To get you through this intricate process, read our detailed guide below.

1. Planning Permission Is Not Necessary For All Home Improvement Projects

You can carry out some home improvement projects without seeking planning permission under PD (Permitted Development) rights. It is however worth noting that even though most houses have permitted development rights, maisonettes and flats don’t, and as such, you need planning permission to carry out any form of construction work. Your permitted development rights are also highly limited if you live within an area of outstanding natural beauty, national park or a conservation area. If you live in a listed building, the same restrictions apply.

If you have any questions, it is recommended that you reach out to the local planning authorities in your area. You can find out from the planning officials, whether you need to seek planning permission for part of or all of the construction work, as well as whether your project will be allowed or not due to planning restrictions.

2. You Can Seek Advice From Your Local Authority Before Handing In Your Application

You need to apply for planning permission if the construction work you intend to carry out is not covered under Permitted development rights. To find out whether your application is likely to be approved, it is best to consult the planning authorities in your locality before you officially hand it in. You will be able to find out whether you need to change the details in the application before you hand it in, and get some non-binding advice on whether your project is likely to come to fruition.

3. Planning Permission Is Divided Into Different Categories

The nature of your project determines the type of planning permission needed. For instance, Listed Building Consent is needed for projects involving listed buildings, while Householder Planning Permission is required for projects involving residential extensions. After you have a clear idea of the type of permission required for your specific project, you can apply via post (application forms can be downloaded from the website of your local authority), or online via the Planning Portal site.

4. Important Factors Considered

When deciding whether to approve your planned development, the local planning authority will consider a variety of important factors.

Overshadowing or loss of light, highway safety, loss of privacy, noise and traffic are some of the main factors taken into account. There are things you can do to mitigate some of these factors, for instance noise, by appointing acoustic consultants London.

Even though comments regarding loss of value of nearby properties and loss of view are not considered to be pertinent to planning, the authorities will also take into account the concerns raised by your neighbours.

5. Your Application Should Include Plans Of The Project

To support your application, you are required to include two plans as part of your application for planning permission. These include a site plan showing in detail the intended project and a location plan showing the site and its surroundings.

You will be required to pay an application fee when handing in the necessary documents. The nature of the intended construction work determines the applicable fee. The application fee for Householder Planning Permission in England is £172, for instance.

6. Prepare For A Lengthy Decision Process

The planning department in your local planning authority will need to confirm that the application you hand in includes all the necessary documents. In case any information is missing, they will reach out to you.

Even though might take up to 13 weeks for extensive and complicated applications to be decided upon, most take an average of 8 weeks. Any neighbours who might be affected by your intended project are afforded the opportunity to look at the plans and give their feedback during this period. Contact your local authority to see their feedback.

7. Stick To The Conditions Accompanying The Approval

Pay attention to any of the conditions attached to your approved plans. Before you kick start the project, you may be required to seek approval for some aspects of the project, like the materials you intend to use. These conditions must be justified by the issuing authority.

8. In Case Your Application Is Turned Down, You Can Appeal

Reach out to your local planning authority if your application is accepted but comes with stringent conditions that you do not agree with, or has been turned down entirely. Without incurring any additional fees, you can be able to hand in the application once more after making some changes. To change and hand in your application again, use the Planning Portal.