Tips for saving money on your outdoor kitchen project

We could tell you a lot about the advantages of an outdoor kitchen but you probably know them, as well as we do. Instead, we are going to give you tips for saving money on your outdoor kitchen project. That way you can have it both – stick to the budget and enjoy meals with your family and friends outdoors. Sounds great? Keep on reading, there is more. 

Start with a plan

Pretty obvious, right? You have to know that planning itself is easy, but planning with the budget – that is the tricky part. That is why our advice is: plan for yourself first and then plan for the budget. Start with a plan for the outdoor kitchen that you want and if it’s over the budget that you set for the project, think about “musts” and “wants”. You’ll quickly realize that there is a lot of things that are not necessary and you can easily do without. Stick to the “musts” and your budget will work. 

Consider your “musts” 

To make it easier, there are some “must-haves” that are pretty versatile, like outdoor kitchen units, tables, and sitting spaces. Once you have these sorted, everything else is up to you and your preferences. Remember that due to different weather conditions, outdoor kitchen units uk are exposed to a lot of rain and wind, so make sure that you choose the one that is resistant and easy to maintain, like stainless steel. Once you know your essentials and extras, you can consider other factors. 

Stay close

One of the biggest expenses is running plumbing out to the outdoor sink if it isn’t there yet. It involves digging the water lines and that does cost money. However, if the outdoor kitchen unit is a short walk from the indoor kitchen – you can easily save not only on sink installation but also refrigerator – you can keep your food in your indoor fridge and take it out just before preparation. And one more thing! If you can fit your outdoor kitchen under some kind of roof that you already have, that will also be a real money saver! Some form of shade and rain protection is really necessary. 

Saving has many meanings

Remember that saving can mean a lot of things and the key is to save smart. There are things that you can save money on by buying at a cheaper price, like second-hand outdoor furniture or mid-season sale accessories. But some things save your money differently, eg. kitchen outdoor units. If you invest in good-quality units, they will last you for years and save you hundreds on replacements. See more at